Pass Your SAS Institute Systems A00-231 Exam on Dec 22, 2023 with 265 Questions [Q122-Q141]

Pass Your SAS Institute Systems A00-231 Exam on Dec 22, 2023 with 265 Questions [Q122-Q141]

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Pass Your SAS Institute Systems A00-231 Exam on Dec 22, 2023 with 265 Questions

A00-231 Free Exam Study Guide! (Updated 265 Questions)

SASInstitute A00-231 Certification Exam is a performance-based exam that assesses candidates’ proficiency in SAS 9.4 Base Programming. A00-231 exam covers a wide range of topics related to SAS programming and is suitable for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in data analysis, business intelligence, or software development. Passing the exam demonstrates to potential employers or clients that an individual has the necessary skills and knowledge to work with SAS software effectively.


Q122. Given the raw data file YEARAMT:
1901 2
1905 1
1910 6
1925 .
1941 1
The following SAS program is submitted:
data coins;
infile ‘yearamt’;
input year quantity;
<insert statement(s) here>
Which statement(s) completed the program and produced a non-missing value for the variable TOTQUANTITY in the final observation of the output data set?


Q123. The Excel workbook REGIONS.XLSX contains the following four worksheets:
The following program is submitted:
libname MYXLS pcfiles path=’c:regions.xlsx’;
Which PROC PRINT step correctly displays the NORTH worksheet?


Q124. The following SAS program is submitted:

What new value would be assigned to X if its original value was a missing value?


Q125. The SAS data set WORK STAFF has three variables:
The following SAS program is submitted:

What is the length of the Name variable in the data set WORK STAFF_UPDATE?


Q126. Which of the following programs correctly invokes the DATA Step Debugger?


Q127. How many of the following SAS data set names are valid?


Q128. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.pieces;
do while (n lt 6);
n + 1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable N in the output data set?


Q129. Which statement describes a characteristic of the SAS automatic variable _ERROR_?


Q130. The Excel workbook QTR1.XLS contains the following three worksheets:
Which statement correctly assigns a library reference to the Excel workbook?


Q131. A realtor has two customers. One customer wants to view a list of homes selling for less than $60,000. The other customer wants to view a list of homes selling for greater than $100,000.
Assuming the PRICE variable is numeric, which one of the following PRINT procedure steps will select all desired observations?


Q132. Given the following raw data records:

The following output data set is desired:

Which SAS program correctly reads in the raw data?


Q133. Given the SAS data set WORKAWARDS:
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = work.awards;
by descending fname points;
How are the observations sorted?


Q134. Given the SAS data set PRICES:
Prodid priceproducttypesalesreturns
B132S 2.34HARDWARE30010
R18KY2 1.29SOFTWARE255
3KL8BY 6.37HARDWARE12515
The following SAS program is submitted:
data hware inter cheap;
set prices(keep = productype price);
if producttype = ‘HARDWARE’ then output hware; else if producttype = ‘NETWORK’ then output inter; if price le 5.00; run; if producttype = ‘HARDWARE’ then output hware; else if producttype = ‘NETWORK’ then output inter; if price le 5.00; run; How many observations does the HWARE data set contain?


Q135. Given the following IF/THEN statement:
If Age NE 16 and Age NE 15 then Group-1;
Which assignment statement for variable Group is functionally equivalent to the original statement used in the above data step?


Q136. The contents of the raw data file SIZE are listed below:
72 95
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile ‘size’;
input @1 height 2. @4 weight 2;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable WEIGHT in the output data set?


Q137. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc format
value score 1 – 50 = ‘Fail’
51 – 100 = ‘Pass’;
proc report data = nowd;
column exam;
define exam / display format = score.;
The variable EXAM has a value of 50.5.
How will the EXAM variable value be displayed in the REPORT procedure output?


Q138. The following SAS program is submitted:
libname temp ‘SAS data library’;
format newdate mmddw10.;
mdate = month(newdate);
ddate = weekday(newdate);
proc print data =; run;
The variable NEWDATE contains the SAS date value for April 15. 2005.
What output is produced if April 15, 2005 falls on a Friday?


Q139. The following SAS DATA step executes on Monday, April 25, 2000:
data newstaff;
set staff;
start_date = today();
Which one of the following is the value of the variable START_DATE in the output data set?


Q140. Which one of the following SAS procedures displays the data portion of a SAS data set?


Q141. Which statement specifies that records 1 through 10 are to be read from the raw data file customer.txt?


SASInstitute A00-231 certification exam is a rigorous and comprehensive test that evaluates the skills and knowledge of candidates in SAS 9.4 Base Programming. A00-231 exam is a performance-based test, which means that candidates have to solve a series of problems and tasks related to SAS programming within a given time limit. The test is designed to assess the candidate’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills in programming, data management, and analysis.


A00-231 Dumps for SAS Institute Systems Certified Exam Questions and Answer:

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