Reliable Databricks Certification Associate-Developer-Apache-Spark Dumps PDF Apr 28, 2022 Recently Updated Questions [Q64-Q82]

Reliable Databricks Certification Associate-Developer-Apache-Spark Dumps PDF Apr 28, 2022 Recently Updated Questions [Q64-Q82]

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Reliable Databricks Certification Associate-Developer-Apache-Spark Dumps PDF Apr 28, 2022 Recently Updated Questions

Pass Your Databricks Associate-Developer-Apache-Spark Exam with Correct 179 Questions and Answers

NO.64 The code block displayed below contains an error. The code block should return a new DataFrame that only contains rows from DataFrame transactionsDf in which the value in column predError is at least 5. Find the error.
Code block:
transactionsDf.where(“col(predError) >= 5”)


NO.65 Which of the following code blocks produces the following output, given DataFrame transactionsDf?
2. |– transactionId: integer (nullable = true)
3. |– predError: integer (nullable = true)
4. |– value: integer (nullable = true)
5. |– storeId: integer (nullable = true)
6. |– productId: integer (nullable = true)
7. |– f: integer (nullable = true)
DataFrame transactionsDf:
2.|transactionId|predError|value|storeId|productId| f|
4.| 1| 3| 4| 25| 1|null|
5.| 2| 6| 7| 2| 2|null|
6.| 3| 3| null| 25| 3|null|


NO.66 Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame where columns predError and productId are removed from DataFrame transactionsDf?
Sample of DataFrame transactionsDf:
2.|transactionId|predError|value|storeId|productId|f |
4.|1 |3 |4 |25 |1 |null|
5.|2 |6 |7 |2 |2 |null|
6.|3 |3 |null |25 |3 |null|


NO.67 Which of the following describes a shuffle?


NO.68 The code block shown below should return all rows of DataFrame itemsDf that have at least 3 items in column itemNameElements. Choose the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the code block to accomplish this.
Example of DataFrame itemsDf:
2.|itemId|itemName |supplier |itemNameElements |
4.|1 |Thick Coat for Walking in the Snow|Sports Company Inc.|[Thick, Coat, for, Walking, in, the, Snow]|
5.|2 |Elegant Outdoors Summer Dress |YetiX |[Elegant, Outdoors, Summer, Dress] |
6.|3 |Outdoors Backpack |Sports Company Inc.|[Outdoors, Backpack] |
7.+——+———————————-+——————-+——————————————+ Code block:


NO.69 Which of the following describes characteristics of the Spark UI?


NO.70 Which of the following describes Spark’s Adaptive Query Execution?


NO.71 Which of the following statements about garbage collection in Spark is incorrect?


NO.72 Which of the following code blocks uses a schema fileSchema to read a parquet file at location filePath into a DataFrame?


NO.73 The code block displayed below contains an error. The code block should save DataFrame transactionsDf at path path as a parquet file, appending to any existing parquet file. Find the error.
Code block:


NO.74 Which of the following describes a difference between Spark’s cluster and client execution modes?


NO.75 Which of the following code blocks displays various aggregated statistics of all columns in DataFrame transactionsDf, including the standard deviation and minimum of values in each column?


NO.76 The code block displayed below contains an error. The code block is intended to join DataFrame itemsDf with the larger DataFrame transactionsDf on column itemId. Find the error.
Code block:
transactionsDf.join(itemsDf, “itemId”, how=”broadcast”)


NO.77 Which of the following code blocks stores a part of the data in DataFrame itemsDf on executors?


NO.78 Which of the following code blocks shows the structure of a DataFrame in a tree-like way, containing both column names and types?


NO.79 The code block shown below should return a DataFrame with columns transactionsId, predError, value, and f from DataFrame transactionsDf. Choose the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the code block to accomplish this.


NO.80 The code block shown below should return a copy of DataFrame transactionsDf with an added column cos.
This column should have the values in column value converted to degrees and having the cosine of those converted values taken, rounded to two decimals. Choose the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the code block to accomplish this.
Code block:
transactionsDf.__1__(__2__, round(__3__(__4__(__5__)),2))


NO.81 Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame with a single column in which all items in column attributes of DataFrame itemsDf are listed that contain the letter i?
Sample of DataFrame itemsDf:
2.|itemId|itemName |attributes |supplier |
4.|1 |Thick Coat for Walking in the Snow|[blue, winter, cozy] |Sports Company Inc.|
5.|2 |Elegant Outdoors Summer Dress |[red, summer, fresh, cooling]|YetiX |
6.|3 |Outdoors Backpack |[green, summer, travel] |Sports Company Inc.|


NO.82 Which of the following code blocks returns a new DataFrame in which column attributes of DataFrame itemsDf is renamed to feature0 and column supplier to feature1?


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