DES-6332 Pre-Exam Practice Tests (Updated 122 Questions) [Q39-Q57]
DES-6332 Pre-Exam Practice Tests | (Updated 122 Questions)
Valid DES-6332 Exam Q&A PDF – One Year Free Update
Recommended Revision Books
Apart from completing the official course, exam-takers also may choose to study with revision books that are readily available from popular sellers such as Amazon. Some of the most trusted and useful options are the following:
- Dell EMC VxRail Administrator Guide, Version 7.0.x from April 2020
This material is a complete guide for those willing to become VxRail administrators. Its content is divided into eight broad chapters, covering everything you need to know to succeed in this role. Starting with an architecture overview and planning for networking, this guide proceeds to the concepts of licensing, the management of passwords and accounts, hardware, and many more. Administrative tasks and specifics of using the VxRail Manager Plugin for VMware vCenter are covered as well.
- Dell EMC VxRail System TechBook
With this material, exam candidates have an opportunity to learn all the ins and outs of the VxRail system’s concepts and architectures. It also includes information on hyperconverged infrastructure and its impact on transformations as well as observes how VxRail can be related to VMware vSAN. Some of the major topics included in this document are VxRail solution, networking, ecosystem, hardware, licensing, and others.
- Implementing VxRail HCI Solutions: A complete guide to VxRail Appliance administration and configuration by Victor Wu
This is another excellent choice of study material that focuses on enhancing your ability to administer, deploy, design, and plan most of the solutions in VxRail Appliance. The content of this revision guide is centered on giving you comprehensive information about planning and designing the VxRail Appliance, mastering VxRail lifecycle management and administration, and exploring the migration methodologies available in these systems.
The role of hyperconverged infrastructure in modern IT environments cannot be stressed enough. And thus recruiters will be looking for competent IT professionals who can manage such technologies. Fortunately, this book aims to streamline your skills when it comes to the operations that involve storage and computing using the HCI solutions. When reading it, you will learn more about the components of the VxRail Appliance and the role it plays in operational simplicity, automation, and lifecycle management. The book also discloses the principles of setting up hardware and software requirements, expanding the VxRail cluster, monitoring the status of VxRail appliances, choosing the best practices for the configuration of vSAN, and many more.
By giving a sneak preview of the VxRail Appliance components and the system architecture, you will instantly understand why this solution is a valuable tool in many IT departments and how it compares to traditional storage solutions and servers. Once completed it, you will be confident enough to apply for various IT jobs that will require you to manage the VxRail System, including the tasks related to planning, deployment, administration, and design.
Official DES-6332 Course
To better prepare for DES-6332 exam, the candidates can enroll in Dell’s official training program “VxRail Appliance Administration and Management”. It exhaustively covers everything there is to know about the administration and management of a VxRail Cluster. This includes working with interfaces, cluster configurations, availability, troubleshooting, monitoring, and resource expansion and provisioning.
Dell states that this training should be taken by candidates who qualify for it, and this group involved the Dell employees, partners, and customers who administer and manage VxRail Clusters. On that note, it’s also critical to meet the eligibility requirements before enrolling in this course. The prerequisite skills that applicants should look to satisfy before going for DES-6332 exam and training include the following;
- VMware vCenter Server to configure virtual resources
- IP networking and configurations
- VxRail appliance architecture and theory of operation
- VMware vSAN and its policy-based management
The course content is divided into seven modules, starting with a general overview of VxRail and proceeding to administrative and management tasks, virtualization, availability, troubleshooting, and more.
The Bottom Line
Even for veterans, stakes have never been higher in the field of information technology. With new technologies, the demand for competent IT professionals has doubled, making it all the more imperative to ask the most obvious question: “Is this the best time to get your first role in this field?” We tend to think the answer to that question is a simple yes, and for obvious reasons. Passing the Dell DES-6332 exam not only comes with additional skills but also opens doors for limitless opportunities in this field. This is probably your best shot when you want to become a VxRail technical support engineer or any other role that involves using the VxRail Appliance to improve your paycheck. And now to give you an even better chance of cracking this exam on the first attempt, we have covered everything you need to know right from the time you begin your preparation.
Specialist – Systems Administrator, VxRail Appliance Exam Free Update Certification Sample Questions:
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